Cabinet Camus Lebkiri is an APinnov2024 partner!
#APinnov is an event organised by AP-HP, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, to promote hospital innovation and encourage the […]

Cabinet Camus Lebkiri, partner of APinnov 2023
Cabinet Camus-Lebkiri is a partner of the 19th AP-HP Technology Transfer Meeting – APinnov 2023, which will take place on […]

The unitary patent: what changes for applicants?
The unitary patent, or ‘European patent with unitary effect’, came into force on 1 June 2023. This is a European […]

A global expertise
Beyond conventional acquisition rights services, we help you to define the best possible protection. We offer support for training, for awareness to your teams. We also offer help and ongoing monitoring on all of your cases.

A team of specialists
Our team will efficiently accompany you in obtaining, managing, valuing and defending of your innovations and of your industrial property rights, as well as in related areas (software, free software, databases …) and in legal (standby, contracts, counterfeiting …).